Modern Day Mental Toughness & Money

Making money in the business world is becoming more complex by the minute.  Everyone is fighting tooth and nail for every inch of their market. 

This presents both opportunities and challenges that make it essential for entrepreneurs and business leaders to be mentally tough. 

Understanding Mental Toughness
Mental Toughness is a quality that determines how you face challenges while under stress and pressure. It has a drastic impact in three areas of your life - Performance, Behavior, and your Well-Being. 

A successful person who is mentally tough can:
  • Influence the things around him or her at will rather than just let things happen. There is nothing believed to be beyond reach.
  • Focus all energy on clear and measurable objectives, leaving no time for distractions.
  • Lead a task successfully with utmost confidence and anticipate insurmountable difficulties while never give up.
Become an unstoppable one man or woman army and emulate those qualities with the following tips: 

See Things Objectively
Nothing is good or bad. It is a matter of perception. Analyze everything in an objective manner. No strings attached. Poor thinking promotes a low standard of execution and results.

A triumphant attitude with good reasoning and insight changes the scene. It opens your boundless potential to make an impact and produce lasting results. Assess situations clearly and make moves. 

Don’t Create False Expectations
You will always want things to go your way but eventually something goes wrong. It’s a part of life. It’s normal that you will run into obstacles. Learn to embrace challenge and know that the road to success is filled with land mines. 

You cannot possibly control everything, and some situations may be unpredictable. But remember - life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.  Take control of your life!

Be Stable and Think Big
Emotional stability and the genuine ability to act with a cool head is an advantage when it comes to dealing with difficult situations. Deadlines and competition will eventually drive you crazy.

Do not let it get to you. You will only make things worse when you are flustered. Stay emotionally competent no matter the situation and persevere. 

Fail Fast
You will fall many times, but you must always push the limits. If you never fail, you will never succeed. Make it a habit to get up quickly after a fall. Stay positive and focus on execution. Good things will come if you stay committed. 

Live In the Present 
The past or the future often worries business leaders a lot more than the present. Be concerned only about the things that you can control. The rest will fall in place when you have good momentum. Go one step at a time, day by day.

One of the exceptional hallmarks of living in the present is that it helps leaders stay true to their 'why'. Why are you currently pursuing a venture every day? This is very important during tough times -- when commitment may waffle. 

It happens to the best of us. The internal drive to persevere despite setbacks is what distinguishes the best from the average performers.

Time Flies
Managing your time efficiently will save you loads of worry in the future. Learn to maximize your time and effort. The ability to deal with difficult situations is paramount on the road to success and inner happiness. Emotional intelligence, perseverance, resilience, self-control and attention to detail are essential to becoming mentally tough.

If you are a budding entrepreneur or a business leader, it is worth noting that everyone’s on the lookout for mentally tough people. It is impossible to succeed relying solely on technical skills.

You need to be a lion! Mental Toughness comes from within. It is up to you to bring it out.

Make Rain,

Marc Ranger
Money MTVTION Brand

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