Act, manage, and optimize to succeed.

Too many people sit there just over thinking everything. Instead, what if you acted on what you are thinking about. Even if it’s just one thing at a time, you’d be better off than 99% percent of the entire population on earth.
To succeed, consider these three things:
  1. You need to act quickly (even pivoting or making changes to what you started in the first place is still “action”).
  2. You have to manage.
  3. You need to optimize the way you do things.
This applies to practically everything you do in life. In fact, the application of these pillars to success is almost universal.

As Will Mitchell of StartupBros writes [], taking action is absolutely crucial to your success. You may fall flat on your face, but that’s irrelevant. The fact that you took action will put you ahead of the curve.
Once you take action, however, the story has just begun. You also have to manage what you just started.

If you launch a business, you have to stay on top of all aspects of the business (from sales to hiring; from operations to legal matters). If you started a relationship with someone, you’d have to manage that relationship too (and we all know just how hard managing a relationship is).
Finally, you have to optimize what you manage. It’s not just enough to start something and manage things because you aren't just trying to survive and get by.  You need to succeed!

To succeed, you’d have to find better ways to do what you do. By optimizing your actions and management style, you can find better, faster, more economical ways of reaching the same goals you’ve set out to achieve.
The Act, Manage, and Optimize rule applies to life, business, health, cash management, wealth management, and more. 
Do you act, manage, and optimize?
Make Rain,

Marc Ranger
Money MTVTION Brand

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